Meet our Instructors:

Please note that while we posted each instructors schedule, their class may have a sub due to their unavailability at any given time.




Certifications: Beginner Roll Right, SkateIA Level 1, CPR/First Aid, and SafeSport Certified

Alma instructs at William Walker Elementary School in Beaverton:

Kids Beginner Roll Right: Sun 1pm

You can find her assisting Chickpea’s Footwork Essentials class at Oak’s Park Roller Rink 6pm every 1st and 3rd Sat from September thru June.

She is also available for private lessons, reach out to her here to arrange a date, time and location, then Book Here.

“I grew up wanting to do every type of activity under the sun. Unfortunately due to limited resources I did not find my way to roller skating until my late 20s when I moved to Seattle in 2018. Learning to roller skate as an adult has allowed me to tap into that inner child and  memories of watching my favorite figure skaters on tv. I find that with roller skating I can put my worries away for a bit and express myself in various ways. With teaching, I hope to share laughter, humility, patience, and self-expression with others. I also want others to know you are never too young or old to get out there and roller skate and I hope to be that reassurance to your skate journey!”



Owner/Director of S.O.S.


Certifications: Beginner and Advanced Roll Right, Rollerfit, RSA Learn-to-Skate Coach, SkateIA Levels 1 & 2, CPR/First Aid, and SafeSport Certified

Chickpea instructs at our Lloyd Center Skate Studio:

She will Also instruct Footwork Essentials 6pm at Oak’s Park Roller Rink every 1st and 3rd Saturdays from September thru June. Please note the rink class has a capacity of 40 skaters while her footwork classes at the studio is capped at 10 skaters.

She is available for private lessons, Book Here. 7:30pm and 8:30pm Wed time slots will be held at Oaks Park Rink.

Chickpea started roller skating in May 2020 to cope with the challenges of the pandemic. She fell in love with the sport as soon as she brought home her first pair of skates and has been dedicated to developing her skills. This led her to become a Level 1 & 2 SkateIA Certified and Beginner & Advanced Roll Right Certified Skate Instructor. She is the person behind the emails, FB msgs, and IG msgs. While she enjoys many different styles of skating, she is a soul rhythm roller skater to her core. She enjoys traveling to national adult skate parties across the country where she learns from many skaters in the national curcuit loves to bring that knowledge home to share with her local skate community. Her favorite thing to teach is dancing on skates. She has organized a variety of skate events from free DJ’d skate socials, guided urban skate meetups, community outreach learn to skate pop-ups, to fundraising skate expos. Chickpea’s goals are to share the joy of skating, build the skater and instructor community, using her platform to uplift and give back to her communities, and to make skating accessible for all.




Certifications: Beginner and Advanced Roll Right, Rollerfit, RSA Learn-to-Skate Coach, SkateIA Level 1, CPR/First Aid, and SafeSport Certified

Cupcake instructs at our Lloyd Center Skate Studio: She is available for private lessons, Book Here. 7:30pm and 8:30pm Wed time slots will be held at Oaks Park Rink.

“I have been skating since childhood. While I enjoy skating outdoors the most, I am an artistic skater as well. Most of my life I skated solo, until the pandemic happened. Suddenly, it seemed like everyone was skating and I couldn’t have been more excited! I finally had people to skate and grow with. The Portland skating community is so vivacious and full of acceptance, and it is constantly growing. I wanted to give back by becoming an instructor so that I could empower others to skate with the confidence they need and deserve to fully enjoy this sport.”




Certifications: SkateIA Level 1, Beginner Roll Right, Rollerfit, RSA Learn-to-Skate Coach, CPR/First Aid, and SafeSport Certified

Windy instructs at our Lloyd Center Skate Studio:

She is available for private lessons, reach out to her to arrange a date here, time and location Book Here.

Lauren's journey in skating is truly inspiring! Starting in February 2022, she took the initiative to master the basics and excel at skating after visiting Oaks Park with her friends. By enrolling in Chickpea's Roll Right class and later in Roller Dance classes, she honed her skills and completed stages 1-3 of the program.

Her passion for skating led her to explore various forms of skating, including JB, park, slalom, roller fitness and even a bit of wizard skating. Her favorite dance move is the downtown and all of the variations that come with it. Taking inspiration from Chickpea, she decided to become an instructor to share her love of skating with others. Lauren's dedication and success in the Roll Right curriculum demonstrate her fantastic grasp of foundational skills needed for long-term skating.

As an instructor, she finds joy in seeing her students' faces light up when they learn new skills or nail a move. Lauren's encouragement to step outside one's comfort zone in pursuit of skating goals makes her an excellent mentor for aspiring skaters. Her journey is a testament to the positive impact of dedication and passion in the world of skating.